أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم - ما يفتح الله للناس من رحمة فلا ممسك لها وما يمسك فلا مرسل له من بعده وهو العزيز الحكيم

Vehicle clash alarm

Model no. VCA032


Vehicle clash alarm is a system of adjustable distance sensor which triggers two side stop lights.

The clash alarm is fixed inside the vehicle just behind the rear window and its lights is triggered if any other vehicle comes  from behind closer than the adjusted distance. 

The distance sensor is an opto-electronic distance measuring module for vehicle alarm applications. The module operates on basis of non-contact comparative phase measurement with amplitude modulation. The measured result is available on the data interface. A digital switching output and An analogue 4...20mA output. Analog output signal is directed to ignite two side lights.

The alarm set alignment can be easily achieved through set base with the help of the red pilot laser.

Extra Applications:

Control and Positioning of Transport and Crane Systems.

Distance Measurement.

Position Detection.

Level Measurement.

Security Applications.

Position Controls of moving Objects.

Control and Measuring of Lifting Devices.

Lift Positioning.

Parts detection.

Technical Datas

Measuring range: 

0.2 to 30 m on any natural surface, up to 150m (depending on target surface)

Measuring accuracy: 

± 2 mm , ± 3 mm at (+15°C to +35°C), ± 5 mm at (-10°C to +50°C) 

Measuring resolution: 

0.1 mm 


≤ 0,5 mm 

Measuring rate: 

10Hz on white surfaces ,Typically 5 Hz (up to 10 Hz) on all surfaces; 

Laser divergence: 

0.6 mrad 

Laser classification: 

1 mW under IEC 825-1, laser class 2 (red light) 

Switching output: 

Programmable switching threshold ,Side-switch" with 0.5 A load capacity. 

Analogue output: 

programmable distance range limits, 4 mA to 20 mA 

Side lights

100 watt each

Supply voltage: 

10 V to 30 V 

Power consumption 

200 W for alarm set

Casing body

Steel sheets 1 mm thickness

Phys. dimensions: 

380 x 150 x 85 mm (L x W x H) without base


About 2.5 k.g.