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Roll Forming Line

Model RFL036


Roll forming line

Roll forming line is used to produce a regular beams in identical dimension that is commonly used in construction and industrial applications.Beams are produced by passing a strip of sheet metal between a set of rollers sequentially and the strip section changes gradually at each roller up to final shape.


 Roll Forming Plant consists of  the following machines:

1.      Decoiler

2.      Straightner

3.      Punching Unit

4.      Punching Die

5.      Roll Former

6.      Roller Set

7.      Shearer

8.      Run out table

9.      Hydraulic power pack

10.  PLC Control Unit

Output beams

Sheet metal flow in production line

 General features:

·         Line production speed up to 18 m/min

·         Maximum sheet width is 250 mm

·         Maximum sheet thickness is 2 mm

·         Electric power consumption is 40 kw, 3 phase

·         Line is controlled automatically throught PLC control unit

·         Line could be controlled manually throught extra manual control unit

·         Safety and proximity switches are provided for automatic control

·         Minimum sheet reel inner diameter 270 mm

·         Maximum sheet reel inner diameter 450 mm

·         Maximum sheet reel outer diameter 1100 mm

·         Reel width up to 250 mm

·         Reel maximum weight 4 ton

·         Max punching force 30 ton

·         punching rate 60 cycle/min

·         Roller sets could be changed to work on different cross section

·         Forming stations are 12 stage.

·         Fly cutter force 18 ton

·         Fly cutter stroke 25 cm


1 - Decoiler

Model no.  D033

Decoiler is an important part of any Roll Forming Plant. It is used to hold sheet reel during roll forming or during punching and shearing.

The sheet reel is fixed on the axe of decoiler; then the axe diameter is increased to fit the reel inner diameter.

Decoiler could be driven via hydraulic motor which may connect to main hydraulic circuit of plant and it is controlled through main control panel.


Technical specifications:

·         Minimum reel inner diameter 270 mm

·         Maximum reel inner diameter 450 mm

·         Maximum reel outer diameter 1100 mm

·         Reel width from 150 mm to 470 mm

·         Reel maximum weight 4 ton

·         Decoiler overall dimensions 113cm  x  53cm  x  86cm

·         Decoiler weight 218 k.g.


2 - Straightner

Model no.  S014

Straightner machine is used in roll forming plant to help in reel uncoiling in addition; it is used as a feeding unit to the next step in production line.

The straighter machine has 2/3 straightening rollers with vertical adjustment and has an electric driven feeder. The machine is supplied with a control panel to operate it and control its speed.

Technical specifications:

·         Number of straightening rollers 2/3.

·         Number of feeding rollers 2.5.

·         Vertical adjustment of straightning 25 mm.

·         Maximum sheet width 25 cm.

·         Maximum sheet thickness 2 mm

·         Drive motor 8 hp electric motor 380 volt



3 - Hydraulic punch press

Model no. HPP034

 Technical Specification :

  • Max section width 250 mm
  • Max pressing force 30 ton
  • Die fixing plate 250mm x 250 mm
  • Press stroke 250 mm
  • Press rate 60 cycle/min
  • Hydraulic pump 35 cc/rev and 206 Bar
  • Electric motor 18 hp at 380 V
  • Feeding set on separate hydraulic motor
  • Overall dimensions 77cm x 68 cm x 163 cm.
  • Gross weight 450 kg.

This is a 30 ton hydraulic punch press unit comprising of a press frame carrying one fixed die holder. The top plate of the hydraulic press carries a high speed double acting hydraulic cylinder.

The bottom platen carries dowels to locate clamps to secure the punch tooling which sits between it and the moving platen.

The tooling engages with holes on the underside of the moving platen and is clamped to the bottom platen via manual clamps.

The puncher is supplied with hydraulic valve which is actuated manually or from adjustable distance feeder system to shear at any desired length.



4 - Roll Former

Model No. RF011

Roll former is used to produce regular beams in identical dimension that is commonly used in construction and industrial applications.

Roll former can also produce many corrugated sections by passing a strip of sheet metal between a set of rollers sequentially and the strip section changes gradually at each roller up to final shape.

 Technical specifications:

·       Roll former is use to produce commonly use beams all in identical dimensions.

·       Rollers are fixed on a robust base to ensure stability during operation.

·       Each roller is mounted on two roller bearings.

·       Roller sets could be changed to work on different cross section or different thickness.

·       Roll former is operated from electric motor 12 hp and 380 V.

·       Roll former is supplied with tool box locate in roll former base and opened from side.

·       Former can form sheet metal with thickness up to 2 mm and width up to 25 cm.

·       Vertical adjustment of rollers 50 mm from 80 mm to 130 mm.

·       Machine speed is controlled from side control panel.

·       Output speed of products is 18 m/min.

·       Number of stations for rolling are 12.

·       Overall dimensions are 290 cm. Length by 65 cm. width by 104 cm high.

  • Gross weight 750 kg.


5 - Fly Shearer

Model no. S035

Shearer unit has been produced for the cold rolled forming industry.  The shearer comprises of a hydraulic shear which would be integrated on a production line with other roll forming equipment for producing cold rolled sections.  It could be Stand alone or integrated with production line.

The shearer is supplied with hydraulic valve which is actuated from adjustable distance set to shear at any desired length.


Technical Specification:

  • 18 m/min line speed
  • Max coil thickness 3mm
  • Max section width 150 mm
  • Max shear force 30 ton
  • Travel distance 50 cm
  • Max shear stroke 25 cm
  • Die fixing plate 250mm x 250 mm
  • Shear rate 60 cycle/min
  • Hydraulic pump 35 cc/rev and 206 Bar
  • Electric motor 18 hp at 380 V
  • Pilot cylinder 2.5" bore diameter and 500mm stroke.
  • Overall dimensions 177cm x 82 cm x 160 cm.
  • Gross weight 540 kg.




Line Photos



















Line Drawings