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ماكينة جلفنة المواسير

Tube galvanizing machine

موديل  TGS162




Technical Specifications:


input nit

input tube with rate of one tube each 2.5 sec
tubes from 1/2 inch to 4 inches
tray area accepts au to 160 cm of tube diameters

loading system

loading unit to load tubes from input tray to dipping system with rate one tube each 2.5 sed.
start position must be considered

unloading system

unloading unit to unload tubes from dipping system to output tray with rate one tube each 2.5 sed.
start position must be considered


exit system

exit unit to unload tubes from output tray to blowing system and next station with rate one tube each 2.5 sed.
start position must be considered

loading system

loading unit to load tubes from input tray to dipping system with rate one tube each 2.5 sed.
start position must be considered

unloading system

unloading unit to unload tubes from dipping system to output tray with rate one tube each 2.5 sed.
start position must be considered

end system

exit unit to unload tubes from output tray to blowing system and final storage with rate one tube each 2.5 sed.
start position must be considered


performance of machines is 24 tube per minute regardless tube diameter or length.
diameters starts from 1/2 inch to 4 inches
length up to 6 m

dipping system

dipping system to immerse tubes inclined in zinc container with rate one tube each 2.5 sec.
always there are one tube in zinc plus one in and one out

zinc container

zinc container to be 130 cm width, 6 m length and 100 cm above ground level.
space available up to 390 cm width and 105 cm high with unlimited length

blowing system

blowing system tol blow steam into tube from one end and return it from other end
it acts as tube clamp during blowing

water tank

water tank to be 130 cm width, 6 m length and 100 cm above groun level.
space available up to 390 cm width and 105 cm high with unlimited length

cleaning system

air cleaning system uses hot air or steam to clean excess zinc and water just after zinc and water containers
air nozzles are directed to tubes during rolling

blowing system

blowing system tol blow air into tube from one end and return it from other end
it acts as tube clamp during blowing





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